Community Corner

Where you get real-life birth stories and word of wisdom from our community members

A platform of parents relating their own experience and sharing with you what they wished they had known.

So you can't say no one told you!

Birth Stories
Feel prepared for birth, by connecting with other parents' stories and learning from their experience

Word of wisdom
We asked parents in our community what they wished they had known. Thanks to them you won't be in the dark!

Join the discussion, share your own experience and connect with parents on the same path.

Our Experts are sharing with you their Word of Wisdom about Pregnancy, Labor and Birth. 

Listen to other parents share their stories in the birth story section below

Learn about the beautiful families in our community

Do you want to share your birth story?
Share a pearl of wisdom?

Your birth story is unique! Tell it to the world!

What do other parents need to know that you wish YOU had known before?

You empower future parents to have a great experience by telling your story.
Are you willing to share what you wish you'd known sooner?
Fill out the form below to receive the instructions

At Oui Parent, we believe that:

  • the more you know the better you can be!
  • there is not one parenting technique that works for all.
  • having a supportive community is the best way to overcome post-partum depression.
  • becoming a new parent is a roller-coaster ride that we are never prepared for.
  • science-backed knowledge should be accessible to all of us. 

That is why we are working hard on developing online classes by experts to support and empower expecting and new parents

Find us on Social Media if you are interested in discovering new tidbits of information daily!

Community Corner - Frequently Asked Questions

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The only thing you might like to do: if you want to comment on any video you are watching, you need to be logged in. But that's super easy and that doesn't require you to purchase anything!

Even though we are sharing the stories publicly here, we respect everyone's privacy. Don't forget we come from France and data protection is a big thing for us!
What we can do, is to forward them an email you would send us. At their own discretion, they will accept or not to contact you.
Contact us HERE or send us an email to

Our experts are amazing! And ready to help you!
Contact us HERE or send us an email to

Yes it is!
If you encounter any issues, please let us know, we'll let our developer know asap!